Netflix - The Crown

I’m half way through watching the Crown. I am very interested in all the comments and controversy over it. Not sure what to think?? But it must be difficult for people alive today to watch a soap opera based on their lives. What must they feel knowing that their private conversations were fabricated?

However, on that note, I’m adoring the costumes – the attention to detail and how right they got the fashion for those times. Being of a certain age, I can remember the outfits!! Probably even had similar in my own wardrobe. There was a great article in the weekend FT about the costume design (

And that engagement ring ... Can’t help but fantasise about Lady Di keeping it, and some of her other precious items, in a PriscaBag Liberty Lawn Jewellery Pouch. But I certainly wouldn’t want Camilla keeping her Fred & Gladys bracelet in one!

November Update

It’s been a while since I blogged! So much has happened, to me and to the world we live in since then. Who could predicted have it?? But at least some good news with hope of a vaccine.

Sadly, not much travel these days – inside or outside the country but people are still finding uses for Prisca bags in Lockdown, whatever the level, thankfully.

But I have joined a local Facebook Group - Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Makers and Creators ( They promote original artistic and creative businesses based in Dún Laoghaire, businesses who now have to rely on the Internet for sales due to Covid-19 restrictions. Do check it out. Lots of creativity in the area. Could it be the sea air?!

And, surprise, surprise but I have a lot more stock these days! I’m keeping myself occupied and creating during the latest restrictions. Trying out new things. When I’m in my atelier aka kids old playroom, sewing and designing I can forget about everything. It keeps me totally absorbed and calm. #SolaceInSewing.


I love matching the materials and the colours. Different lining and ribbons give a completely different feel to the product. However, now I'm having just as much fun trying to display them and create Instagram posts which is a steep learning curve for me. Whatcha think? What O'Clock would you choose?